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managed currency 管理通貨。


As is well known , the commercial bank is a special enterprise . the business line of managing currencies determines that it is a highly risk industry and it might result in systematic risks and social instability more than go bankrupt only if it is not well managed 眾所周知,商業銀行是一種特殊企業,經營貨幣信用業務的特性決定了其具有很強的社會關聯度,如果經營不當,不僅會像一般工商企業那樣虧損倒閉,更有可能釀成系統性風險,導致貨幣信用危機,影響社會穩定。

Commercial bank is the special corporation that manages currencies . it is the largest loaner and debtor as the agency of credit and payment and the organization that creates credit tools 商業銀行是經營貨幣的特殊企業,作為信用中介、支付中介和不斷創造信用工具的機構,它既是最大的債權人又是最大的債務人。

However , without meaningful reform of its tightly - managed currency , china will continue to build up large foreign exchange reserves and huge amounts of liquidity inside the country 然而,如果不在嚴格管制的匯率方面進行有意義的改革,中國仍將繼續積聚大量外匯儲備和國內流動性。

They also have substantial foreign currency assets and are in a position to manage currency exposures 此外,這類公司坐擁大外幣資產,有能力管理貨幣風險。

China ' s tightly managed currency is also contributing to inflationary pressures 中國對人民幣實施嚴格的管制,也是造成通脹壓力的因素之一。